To develop change mechanisms within an organization, it is first important to work with employees to first identify the necessary areas of improvement. Employees who work departments would have an understanding of where the company may struggle.
Secondly, ensure that time is spent with the supervisors or managers in each department to discuss the employees who excel and those who need improvement. Corrective action can then be taken, and the appropriate changes can then come into place. Thirdly, utilize the statistics of past occurrences and profits to forecast future expectations. This would allow a manager to make the necessary adjustments to ensure goals are met and the company can know what to expect.
A fourth way to develop change mechanisms with employees in your business is through use of decision-tree software. Changes can be compared and weighed to ensure the best possible choices are made that would allow for positive outcomes. I recommend working with cooperative employees to make the necessary adjustments to his or her work regimen to ensure improvements are made where applicable and those job duties are being fulfilled.
Statistical application of moving averages is also useful as the fifth way to develop change mechanisms, as moving averages can allow you to compare data effectively. By utilizing moving averages to promote change, you can compare past production or profits to have an idea of what to expect in the upcoming future. This would allow a manager to work with employees to know how the business produces during certain periods and what we can expect.
The key point here is to involve and work with all levels of employees through many of these processes and not disassociate with the people who may have more insight and knowledge due to working directly with various aspects of the business that upper management seldom gets involved with.